Per Caelum Lodge



Per Caelum was consecrated in 1974 by a founding group of members from the Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators (as the Livery Company was known at the time).  Per Caelum became the 20th of 22 City Livery Lodges (Masonic lodges that grew out of a membership of City Livery companies).  Several members have gone on to hold London Rank, and London Grand Rank, and some members have gone on to hold High Office in Metropolitan Grand Lodge, and United Grand Lodge.  Additionally several of our members have become Masters of the Honourable Company of Air Pilots.   All our members have close links with the aviation industry: our membership include professional pilots both civilian and military, navigators, engineers, private pilots, and aviation medics.


The links between Livery Companies and Freemasonry date back to the earliest days of Freemasonry, before the advent of United Grand Lodge, and many of the values of the two organisations are very similar.  There are now 22 City Livery Lodges, all of whom maintain a close relationship.

Links to Related Organisations

United Grand Lodge of England
London Freemasonry

Masonic Charitable Foundation
Honourable Company of Air Pilots
The Worshipful Company of Innholders’
City Livery Lodges and Livery Companies
St Catherine’s Lodge
Taurus Lodge
Paviors Lodge
City And Livery blogspot
Lodge of Love and Friendship


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